
Deadlines, due dates and brand new clients

By Jennifer Tate | Feb 16, 2023 | 0 Comments

Gosh, here we are 16 months later! I’m now preparing for my second maternity leave, which feels a little crazy considering it feels like days– days!– since my last post about going back to work after having my son. But time flies I guess, huh? A lot has happened in the past year and a…

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Bump, baby and going back to work

By Jennifer Tate | Oct 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

It’s been a while. But actually, I have a legitimate excuse this time. As you may know, I gave birth to our baby boy at the end of June. Then I blinked and now it’s 15 weeks later. Xander was born on the 30th of June, two weeks ahead of his due date. In fact,…

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How to survive everything happening at once

By Jennifer Tate | Apr 6, 2021 | 0 Comments

Last Wednesday, we moved house. Actually, that doesn’t really give the action much justice. Let me start again. Last Wednesday, we moved house and thanks to some renovation delays, the place resembled a building site. We didn’t have a kitchen sink for the first three days. And for a large part of the moving day,…

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Can your favourite music cure lockdown monotony?

By Jennifer Tate | Feb 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

In an attempt to shake up the relentless monotony of lockdown, I’ve been digging out and listening to some of my old albums. Hearing some of my favourite tracks that I’ve not heard for a while as I work has added a whole new dimension to being stuck in the house. And yes, I realise…

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My 10 favourite books of 2020

By Jennifer Tate | Jan 18, 2021 | 0 Comments

Not many great things came out of 2020, but there were a few. A Covid-19 vaccine was developed, Trump was voted out (not that he’s going away anytime soon) and the environment was finally given a bit of break thanks to less international travel and carbon emissions. On a personal level, some of the positives…

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3 vows for Lockdown 3 (and 2021 in general)

By Jennifer Tate | Jan 6, 2021 | 0 Comments

Happy New Year! Almost three months have passed since my last blog post entry and it feels like not much—yet, a lot—has happened in that time. To address the elephant in the room, I should mention that we’re two days into Lockdown 3. Essential shops are shut, schools are closed to all but key workers’…

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A dog is for life, not just for lockdown

By Jennifer Tate | Oct 21, 2020 | 0 Comments

So, we got a dog. Yes, we became one of those clichéd couples that got a dog during lockdown. But technically it’s not lockdown anymore—or is it? If it is, doesn’t this mean that lockdown will likely go on for months and years, rendering any major decision—house move, baby, puppy—in such a significant amount of…

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Celebrating one of my wonderful clients, TransferGo

By Jennifer Tate | Sep 30, 2020 | 0 Comments

Things are getting a little bleak again in the Covid/lockdown world, so I want to use this post as an opportunity to focus on something positive: one of my wonderful clients, TransferGo. TransferGo recently celebrated its 8th birthday and to mark the occasion, its 200 employees and various freelancers/contractors (that’s me) are currently awaiting something…

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Some of the things that keep me sane

By Jennifer Tate | Sep 16, 2020 | 0 Comments

Over the last few months, when social distancing has become the norm and tried and tested routines have been thrown out of the window, it’s become increasingly apparent that we all need some tools to help us get through the day—or on a heavier note, life. Where once we might organise a night with friends…

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6 truths about being a freelance copywriter

By Jennifer Tate | Sep 5, 2020 | 0 Comments

Ah, second post time. Here, we can get the ball rolling a little bit. With this post, I wanted to focus on business and share some truths about being a freelance copywriter. From my experience, anyway. Whether you’re wanting to get into freelance copywriting yourself or you’re generally just bored and/or a bit curious, here…

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